How Your Roof Affects Your Home’s Curb Appeal
Bay Area Residential Roofing Repair Boosts Curb Appeal
There are many different factors that contribute to your home’s curb appeal. Landscaping, new paint, and roofing are among the most important ways to ensure that your home is visually appealing. Paint and landscaping are more easily fixed, but an old, damaged roof can be a large job that can affect your home or property’s overall appearance in a negative way. After all, you don’t want to distract from the rest of the hard work that you’ve put into your home.
What can be replaced
If your roof is relatively new and in good condition, you may just need a little roof repair, rather than a completely new roof. Having your roof inspected for problem areas, like vents and chimneys, can improve its appeal while deterring future damage. Cleaning can be done with a power washer and careful scrubbing. Replacing problem areas will make your roof look newer, especially if there is rust or broken shingles to address. If there are only a few shingles that are loose, broken, or leaking, they can be replaced separately, retaining the integrity of your original roof.
When to decide on a new roof
You might be hesitant to pay for a complete re-roofing because of the cost, but a new roof is actually a very good financial decision because it adds to your house’s value as well as to its safety. If you have multiple leaks, broken appliances, and missing or broken shingles, it is time for a new roof. Find a Bay Area roofing contractor that you trust to talk you walk you through the process of updating your roof.
Even if your roof is not leaking or broken, it may be time to consider a roof inspection. If your roof is older but still in good condition, consider enlisting help to maintain it regularly to ensure that it has a long life and that it looks its best. Every 15 years it is recommended that homeowners replace their roof, even if it still appears to be in decent condition. You will be surprised at the difference that a brand new roof can make to your home’s curb appeal. You even have the option of switching to a new style or color of shingles, which can dramatically change the look of the outside of your home. A reputable roofing company like Ben’s Roofing Inc. can assist you with all of your questions and concerns about residential re-roofing.
Contact Our San Francisco Roofing Company Today
Fresh paint and a lovely garden can only carry your home’s image so far if you also have a deteriorating roof. Once you decide to fix or replace your roof you will quickly be able to see the difference that it makes in your home’s curb appeal. Consider hiring the professionals at Ben’s Roofing Inc. to help you maintain your roof throughout the year. If you’re interested in seeing what our qualified San Francisco roofing company can do for your home, fill out our online contact form, or call (510) 690-8570 for more information.