Commercial Roofing: 5 Flat Roof Replacement Options
Bay Area Roofing Contractor Compares Flat Roofing Options – Built Up Roofs to Modified Membranes
If you’re a Bay Area property owner or investor, you want to create excellent spaces for your tenants without laying out too much cash or investing in overly complicated or needless improvements. Flat commercial roofing certainly appeals to owners and developers for many reasons. Such roofs tend to be relatively inexpensive to maintain, easy to install and professional looking. But flat roofs don’t last forever, and figuring out when and how to repair them or replace them can be complex. If it’s time to replace your building’s flat roof, consider these five options.
1. Thermoplastic Roofing.
For increased flexibility, choose thermoplastic roofing. When constructed using the proper materials, this type of roofing can resist fire and sun damage in addition to water and wind.
2. Poly Vinyl Chloride Roofing.
PVC roofing materials incorporate plastic for stability. Although they can become brittle over time, they offer an affordable, flexible solution for many applications.
3. Modified Membranes.
Modified membrane roofing is composed of asphalt and polymers. Together, these components form a strong, flexible roof that should serve your property for many years.
4. Built Up Roof.
To install a Built Up Roof, a roofing contractor will apply three or four layers of hot asphalt to the roof’s surface. This type of roofing is affordable, but it may become brittle and requires inspection and maintenance to ensure that cracks and leaks do not develop.
5. Single Ply EPDM.
EPDM roofing utilizes a rubber compound to increase the durability and flexibility of the roof. However, EPDM requires regular maintenance, so be prepared to call the roofing company frequently.
Let a Professional Oakland Roofing Contractor Help You Choose the Best Roofing System
Which replacement option, if any, is most appropriate for your commercial Bay Area property? The answer will depend on a slate of factors, such as the nature of the damage to the current roof; the scale, scope and age of the issue; relevant zoning rules and regulations; your budget; and short term and long term tenant concerns. Call the Ben’s Roofing team today at (510) 690-8570 or contact us here to explore possible repair or replacement strategies.